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Meet ServiceDeck

Smart Hub

for Service Providers Property Managers Homeowners Business Owners

🚀 Revolutionizing Tenant Issue Management

  • Why Choose AI Concierge? Discover the future of property management with our AI Concierge. Embrace a system that simplifies reporting, speeds up resolution, and ensures tenant satisfaction. Our AI solution modernizes your operations, making them more efficient and responsive.
  • Our Journey to Innovation: ServiceDeck started with a vision to transform property management. Our team, comprising industry experts and tech innovators, developed the AI Concierge as a response to the real-world challenges faced by property managers. Every feature is crafted to meet the dynamic needs of modern properties.

👨‍💼 How It Works: Property Managers

Simplified Management in Action

🤳 Scenario-Based Setup

Setting up is a breeze. Place QR codes across your properties, giving tenants instant access to report issues. This setup ensures a constant communication line, making property management more proactive.

💬 Efficient Issue Reporting

When a tenant encounters a problem, like a leaky pipe, they simply scan the QR code. The AI chat initiates, asking straightforward questions to understand the issue thoroughly and efficiently.

⚡ Streamlined Ticket Creation

After the tenant submits their report, our system instantly turns it into a detailed work order, automatically categorized for efficient handling. This process enables quick action and prioritization.

🗓️ Effective Task Assignment

Armed with complete issue details, you can assign tasks effortlessly to your team or external contractors. The system’s tracking capabilities keep you updated on the progress until resolution.

📈 Proactive Maintenance Planning:

The AI system helps identify trends and frequent issues, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for regular maintenance, ultimately reducing emergency fixes

What Do You Get Within the first 1 month?

Limited Time Offer! Offer ends on December 21, 2023


Personalized support. Our specialist will be there for you for any issues or requests you may have.


Month For FREE. So you can enjoy the benefits before making a decision.


Developers Available for Any changes to further improve and amplify your performance.

🏢 How It Works: Tenants

Simplified Management in Action

📝 Effortless Reporting Experience

Tenants report issues hassle-free. The intuitive AI chat makes the process straightforward, guiding them without needing any technical know-how.

⏰ Quick and Transparent Updates

Tenants are kept informed with timely updates about their issue’s status, building trust and ensuring a smooth resolution process.

✅ Reliable Problem Resolution

The system’s efficiency leads to quicker response times and effective resolutions, significantly enhancing tenant satisfaction.

ServiceDeck's AI chat feature has completely changed how we handle work orders issues. It's streamlined our communication, dramatically improved our scheduling processes, and made managing work orders a breeze. This has led to significant time and cost savings for our business. Highly recommend for any property management or service-focused business looking to upgrade their efficiency!

ZazaOwner, Urban Plumbing

In our toolbox of essential resources, ServiceDeck's AI chat has earned its place alongside Gmail and phone book. It's been a game-changer in how we manage tenant communications and maintenance requests. By consolidating these crucial tasks into one efficient platform, ServiceDeck has saved us countless hours and substantially reduced our operational costs.

John Paul

I can't believe we waited this long to integrate ServiceDeck's AI chat into our operations! The team's expertise is evident in the design and functionality of this feature. It has transformed our tenant interaction process, saving us both time and money, and has far exceeded our expectations. A truly amazing experience and a must-have for modern property management.

Jack GrahamCo Founder, Coffee Inc

Understanding AI in Property Management

  • AI Made Simple: Our AI Help Desk is designed with simplicity in mind. It works by understanding tenants’ issues through smart conversation and automatically turning them into actionable tickets.
  • Benefits of AI: This technology brings numerous advantages, including saving time on manual tasks, improving accuracy in issue categorization, and elevating tenant satisfaction through swift responses.
  • Real-World Scenarios: We’ve seen our AI Help Desk turn around property management experiences, resolving issues faster and making management tasks more manageable.

🤔 FAQs

You got questions? Well, we got answers!

How does the AI chat ensure that submitted ticket is accurate in details?

Our AI chat system is designed to ask precise questions and clarify any details, ensuring all necessary information is collected accurately.

Can the AI chat handle multiple languages to cater to diverse tenants?

Absolutely! Our AI chat is designed to be inclusive and can communicate in multiple languages. This ensures that all your tenants, regardless of their primary language, can effectively report their issues and provide necessary details.

Can I integrate ServiceDeck's system with other tools that I'm currently using?

Yes, ServiceDeck is built with flexibility in mind. We offer integration options with popular property management tools. If you have a specific tool in mind, please reach out to our support team, and we’ll assist you in streamlining the integration process.

What to do if the AI chat encounters a problem it can't handle or understand?

While our AI chat is advanced and capable of understanding a wide range of issues, in the rare event it encounters a unique or complex problem, it’s designed to capture basic details and forward the ticket to the property manager for manual review. Our priority is to ensure no tenant issue goes unnoticed.

How do we implement the QR code system in each apartment?

Implementing the QR code system is straightforward. Once you sign up with ServiceDeck, we’ll provide you with unique QR codes for each apartment or property under management. These can be easily printed and placed in a common area or distributed to tenants. When scanned, they’ll directly link to the ServiceDeck AI chat.

How secure is the information that I or my customers provide to the AI chat?

Security is paramount to us. All data exchanged through the AI chat is encrypted and stored in secure servers. We adhere to industry-standard security practices to ensure that tenant information and property details remain confidential and protected.